Sixto has committed his life to encouraging and strengthening Hispanic families. He has brought his message of hope and forgiveness to millions of families, communities, and government leaders.
It all started because of his mother’s radical act of forgiveness.
His family backgrounddid not suggest he would become a pastor, or an international family advocate advising governments, or a mentor for families looking for answers.
His mother was the result of an unplanned pregnancy, the product of an affair between her father and a mistress. She remembers a childhood marked by violence, abuse, and pain at the mercy of her father’s fierce temper.
chose a
different path
Sixto’s mother chose a different path, passing on her faith and living out grace and forgiveness toward her parents. Her example broke a cycle of bitterness and pain and replaced it with a heritage of faith. Sixto knows the power of a family legacy centered on God.
Josette Altmann,then serving as First Lady of Costa Rica, invited Sixto to present Sex, Lies and the Truth to young people in schools around the country.
This opened doors throughout Latin America, and more than 450,000 young people surrendered their lives to Christ as a result of these events.
enfoque a la familia
Since 1998, Sixto has led Enfoque a la Familia, Focus on the Family’s Spanish speaking ministry. He currently serves as Vice President for Hispanic Ministry Development.
He has produced and hosted more than
radio and television programs
aired in 684 broadcasting stations in 38 countries.
A gifted and
authentic communicator
A gifted and authentic communicator, he addressed tens of thousands of people at family conferences in every country of Latin America, Spain, Belgium, United Kingdom, France, Switzerland and USA.
He has written eight books and co-authored two more.
Honored for his
contribution to families
The Congress of Peru and the Puerto Rican Senate have both honored Sixto for his contribution to families. He was also a speaker for the Latin American Diplomatic Mission to the United Nations.
sixto lives
in colorado
Sixto lives in Colorado Springs, Colorado, with his wife Helen. They have two grown sons, two beautiful daughters-in-law, and three grandchildren.
Experimente una transformación en 3 días dedicados a su crecimiento personal, recarga espiritual y fortalecimiento como líder. Sumérjase en una experiencia única diseñada para capacitarlo y revitalizarlo, ampliando su visión para impactar las familias de su iglesia y comunidad. Únase a este viaje hacia el llamado de edificar hogares fuertes y llenos de esperanza.