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Logo con eslogan Enfoque a la Familia

Helping families thrive

Focus on the Family is a global Christian ministry dedicated to helping families thrive. We provide help and resources for couples to build healthy marriages that reflect God’s design, and for parents to raise their children according to morals and values grounded in biblical principles.

We’re here to come alongside families with relevance and grace at each stage of their journey. We support families as they seek to teach their children about God and His beautiful design for the family, protect themselves from the harmful influences of culture and equip themselves to make a greater difference in the lives of those around them.

No matter who you are, what you’re going through or what challenges your family may be facing, we’re here to help. With practical resources – like our online courses, broadcasting programs and events – we’re committed to providing trustworthy, biblical guidance and support.


Since Focus on the Family opened its doors in 1977, our scope has grown to include a wide variety of lectures, videos, series, courses, podcasts, television broadcasts, movies, websites, blogs, and mobile applications. These media offer information, guidance, and practical ideas on topics such as marriage, faith, breeding, pro-life, family, and society, among others. Learn more about the ministries below.

Online courses for Parents, Marriages and Churches
Join renowned teacher and historian Ray V. Laan as he guides you through the lands of the Bible. Discover the Scriptures in their historical, geographic, and cultural context, transforming your understanding of God.

Designed for couples who want to get married. Learn principles like the marriage relationship – the bond, intimacy, conflicts, and agreements you need to know to build a lasting marriage.

How to deal with the overwhelming news of a «positive»? This course is an empathetic and educational response for those women who were not planning the arrival of an unplanned pregnancy and who are in crisis.
In this course, you will learn the best strategies for talking about sexuality in the early ages of your children and thus prepare them for more in-depth conversations on the subject that they will have in the future.

Identify the customs that destroy homes, how to get out of violence and abuse, protect your marriage from infidelity, and build a strong, healthy, loving and successful family in your home.

Learn about one of the most common diseases of the modern era. In this course you will learn about your symptoms, toxic thoughts that lead to stress and anxiety, and daily practices that will renew your energy.


For 40 consecutive years, Focus on the Family has shared meaningful advice around the world. This program has become one of the most recognized Christian radio programs today and continues to grow in an exciting way with its host Sixto Porras.
Logo de Eventos de Enfoque a la Familia
More than 25,000 families join us each year for Enfoque’s live events.
Conferences per year
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Impacted families
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Logo azul de REd de Pastores de Enfoque a la Familia

We want to equip you with resources that will strengthen your family, facilitate the growth of your church, and assist in your ministry development.

Pastor, we want to walk by your side.

Biweekly content for strengthening your family, growing your ministry and personal development.
Virtual Conferences, every 3 months, aimed at pastors and ministerial leaders.
Outlines, Ebooks, Guides and Self-Assessments at your fingertips, FREE of charge.
A space designed for the exclusive attention of pastors and ministerial leaders.


Sixto Porras is the author of the books: Hijos Exitosos, El Lenguaje del Perdón, De Regreso a Casa, Amor, Sexo y Noviazgo and co-author of the book Traigamos a los pródigos de regreso al hogar.

imagen con los libros Hijos Exitosos, Como amarme y amar a los demas y El lenguaje del perdón
Textura Landing Conozcanos

Vice President of the Hispanic Ministry of Focus on the Family

Sixto Porras has been the director for Enfoque a la Familia in the Hispanic region for more than 20 years.

He produces and hosts radio and tv programs aired in 38 countries. He has been invited to speak about faith and family topics in all the countries of Latin America, Australia, Belgium, United Kingdom, Switzerland and France.

He has also been invited to speak for the Congress of Nicaragua, and Honduras. Also, the Health Committee of the Senate of Uruguay, the Family Committee of the Congress of El Salvador, and the Children, Youth and Family Committee of the Congress of Costa Rica have invited him to speak on family topics.

Visit Us

If you ever stop by Colorado Springs, visit us here at Focus on the Family headquarters. We would love to show you and give you a taste of our «world class hospitality». Click here to learn more about our Welcome Center and Guided Tours.

Para que el Mundo Sepa | Trailer

Para que el Mundo Sepa

Este curso de estudio bíblico le ayudará a entender el verdadero llamado que Dios nos hizo desde el inicio de la Creación: “Vivan de tal forma que otros sepan, a través de lo que ven en ustedes, quién Soy y por qué me necesitan”.

Inscríbase ahora y vea el curso completo:

Logo - Serie Un embarazo inesperado

Un Embarazo Inesperador

¿Cómo enfrentar la abrumadora noticia de un “positivo”? 
Una respuesta empática para aquellas mujeres que no planeaban la llegada de un bebé

Inscríbase ahora y vea el curso:

Logo de Curso Educación Sexual Para Niños

Educación Sexual Para Niños

Si usted es padre o madre de un niño de 1 a 10 años este curso es para usted.

Una guía para empezar temprano a hablar de sexualidad.

Inscríbase ahora y vea el curso:

Logo De Regreso a Casa

De Regreso a Casa

¿Cómo enfrentar la abrumadora noticia de un “positivo”? 
Una respuesta empática para aquellas mujeres que no planeaban la llegada de un bebé

Inscríbase ahora y vea el curso:

Agotamiento Emocional | Trailer

Agotamiento Emocional

Este curso sobre el Agotamiento Emocional le ayudarán a comprender este fenómeno y por qué ha sido considerado por la OMS como la enfermedad moderna. ¿Cómo podríamos evitar caer en las redes del estrés y la ansiedad de la época? Este curso tiene recomendaciones prácticas para usted.

Inscríbase ahora y vea el curso:

Enfoque a la familia azul

Centro de ayuda de Enfoque a la Familia

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8655 Explorer Drive, Colorado Springs, CO 80920

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Obtenga información de nuestro centro de retiros para matrimonios

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Al enviar este formulario, usted autoriza a Enfoque a la Familia enviarle información o recursos a su correo electrónico.
Experimente una transformación en 3 días dedicados a su crecimiento personal, recarga espiritual y fortalecimiento como líder. Sumérjase en una experiencia única diseñada para capacitarlo y revitalizarlo, ampliando su visión para impactar las familias de su iglesia y comunidad. Únase a este viaje hacia el llamado de edificar hogares fuertes y llenos de esperanza.

7 al 9 de mayo,


Últimos cupos disponibles.